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Samuel Ngure

Terrific Training

Let me start by saying to get to where I am today, has been a long and tedious journey, and probably one a lot of people can relate to. Like every graduate, I left University with the dream that I’ll be able to land my dream job soon after and my future would be set. Reality kicked in after two years of endless interviews and the same response. After that, it was one disappointing employment after another. High-stress level jobs with little to no rewards, and no opportunities for growth.
Later I tried my luck online but fell prey to quite a few pyramid schemes sites and fake online jobs that falsely promise you high-earning jobs if you pay them. After I tried taking some online courses that were highly recommended by some freelancers I met online. I thought that if I upped my skills, I’d be better off in the online market. I guess my biggest lesson from it is never trust anyone online trying to sell you quick results.
It wasn’t after I came across Wingu courses that I realized just how shallow most of the other courses were. It’s been one and a half years since I discovered Wingu. Since then, I’ve done several of their courses, and let me just say, those were the best investments in myself. What I love most about Wingu courses is how detail-oriented and comprehensive they are. They cover all the bases without bombarding you with too much information, nor leaving you with any pending questions. The examples they used to explain their points were relatable which made it easier to understand. They took very complex concepts and broke them down so simply, even a 12-year-old would be able to understand.
I’m also not much of a reader so I appreciated the fact that they availed the lessons in video formats as well. Those really came in handy during my lazy days or when I had a busy schedule but still wanted to squeeze in a lesson. I also loved that their content was engaging through and through. The feedback they gave back with every assessment was also very detailed and helpful. They’d highlight what I was doing wrong and how I could improve it. It finally felt like I was learning something concrete.
With each course I took, I felt like I walked away with more than I paid for. The Wingu team went above and beyond to ensure that I was fully equipped with the skills I needed. Which was another thing I loved about them. They didn’t give you false promises of quick results. They prepared you for the work that needed to be done and put me in the right mindset to get it done. Their support team was always there when I needed any guidance or felt stuck. Even after the courses, the Facebook community has continued to hold my hand in my journey. There are a lot of like-minded people on there, ready to help with any question or share their experience.
Overall, I would recommend any of the Wingu courses to any and everyone. With Wingu, you can be sure you’re getting value for your money. Thanks to them, I am now a top-rated writer and transcriptionist on Upwork and I run several successful affiliate sites, and I couldn’t have done that without Wingu Digital Training.

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