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Course: Professional Article Writing
Results: Now working with a top Australian SEO Agency as a content writer 

My journey to professional article writing has been bumpy, to say the least. The only reason I kept going was that I was sure writing is what I wanted to do.

The first course I did had come highly recommended and with good reviews. But that was not for me. I felt shoved just to finish with the course and get done with it. There was no follow-up, something I loathed.

Because I was so determined to make it in the article writing field, I paid for yet another. It was not bad, but it wasn’t professional in any sense of the word. The upside on this was that it placed a spotlight on me, which brought me to Wingu Digital Training.

What can I say, it felt like this is where I should have begun, but then, I would have been able to distinguish between good and perfect. At Wingu Digital Training, I received more than training. I was criticized and mentored to what I am today.  My first employer could not believe it when I told them I was a newbie, something most employers dread. He warned me to stop calling myself that and concentrate on writing.

Currently, I have consistent work from local employers and receive very competitive rates. I am not there yet, But I am on my way there, thanks to Mike and his team at Wingu.

I would recommend Wingu Digital Training to anyone intending to write professionally. Apart from the comprehensive curriculum, I learned the nitty-gritty of writing that I would have otherwise not known. I am confident in applying for jobs as I am working. The future looks bright. Lucy Wambui, Nakuru ,Kenya

Joseph M, Nairobi , Kenya

Course: Professional Article Writing
Results: Top rated on Upwork and Quora


Course: Professional Affiliate Marketing and SEO Training +  Professional Article Writing Training
Results: Top rated content writer working for a US based Content Agency and now gained the skills to launch first  affiliate niche site.

What drives you?

Me? It’s constant growth.

Back in 2018, I found myself in a tight spot. I was employed, but I wasn’t growing. And based on my projection, the growth wasn’t going to happen any time soon.

So I started looking for ways to set myself free. And I chose to go the freelance writing way.

Like most things online nowadays, it was marketed as a get-rich-quick scheme. Something easy.

So I bought my first course, went through it, and finished it in a week.

Is that it? I remember asking myself.

Filled with confidence, I applied for my first job. Nothing. After several failed applications I was almost giving up. And that’s when I met Kim, the founder of Wingu. I’d heard about his story and was impressed by his journey. I thought, why not give online work one more chance. Today, I’m so glad I did. The training that followed was fast, intense, and extensive. I learned a lot more than I have ever seen covered in any other course.

Most courses just brush over details. But Wingu goes the extra mile. You’ll get into all the details you need to know. The specifics of writing different types of content. The best research tips and execution blueprint.

In short, you get the whole pie, but not in the size that’ll choke you. You get it in small, palatable pieces, simplifying your entire process and shortening your learning curve.  

And I’m grateful because thanks to Wingu, I grew into a top-rated freelance writer, and now I can comfortably say that freelance writing is my life.

Fast-forward to 2021, and there I am writing for clients. The client portfolio was growing and so was the amount of work. But it was the same routine and it was beginning to get to me. It felt like I was simply exchanging time for money.

And don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining. The work load was welcome, but it’s time to grow again. Time to scale without increasing my working hours and stress levels. So, I reached out to Wingu again and got the affiliate marketing course.

I don’t know about you, but to me, genius is complexity broken down to the simplest form. And Wingu digital training is simple, exhaustive, actionable.

My desire to be a publisher/affiliate marketer started in 2019. But like most people, I went online, researched randomly, and fell into a rabbit hole of information.

The more I researched, the more confused I got.

I got stuck. I started overthinking and over-analyzing. And ended up not picking a niche. Months of longing and research ended up in me giving up and deciding to try some other time.

And then the Wingu affiliate course came out, and I knew this was it. In a few days of taking the course, I had a niche already. Talk of simplicity, straightforwardness, and constant guidance when you need it.

The course doesn’t just tell you what affiliate marketing is in abstract terms like most other courses.

This goes into the details of the craft. The entire process of building a successful publishing company has been broken down into actionable steps. The process, the dos and don’ts, and even the blueprint have been laid out for you.

And that’s not all.

I have also acquired skills that I can incorporate into my writing business and demand better rates. Skills like keyword research, optimization, and how to use WordPress.

The way I see it, it’s a win-win for me. I get to learn skills that’ll better my craft; and, at the same time, build a business that’ll bring me passive income. This way, I can still make an income even on days when I’m off active hustling.

With that said, like all things worth your time, this one needs front-loading. Putting in the work now so I can reap the returns later. It’s not easy, but it’s simple. And with Wingu, the journey is clearer and the steps a bit more predictable. And I’m confident with the right amount of work, this too shall work.

So if you are tired of constantly hustling, are willing to put in the work, and looking for the simplest yet effective way to start making passive income, then I highly recommend the Wingu affiliate course. It over-delivers.

Betty C , Nairobi , Kenya


Arthur P, Nairobi , Kenya

Course: Professional Affiliate Marketing and SEO Training
Results: Gained skills to launch first affiliate niche site 3 weeks into the training


Course: Professional Article Writing
Results: Still has a full time Day job but Now working part-time as an article writer as an extra stream of income to compliment the salary. 

Let me say Wingu training has helped me become a proficient writer than I was a few years ago. The Article writing course has everything. From writing product reviews, crafting awesome blog posts, I mean…this course is priceless!

If you’re looking a good quality course that will change your life, buy this one. I have a full time job but I no longer have to worry about paying my bills anymore. What I loved the most about this course is the illustrations. Everything is crystal clear. The illustrations makes it easier for you to understand. For instance, how to write great intros, sources for research, how to bid for jobs…and so much more.

This is the BEST course out there. Even for beginners, don’t fall trap to average courses by the so called gurus. Pay for a course that is going to help make money online. A course that is detailed, efficient, and well worth the price.  I’m now looking at getting into affiliate marketing as i want to create a passive stream of income to boost my earnings.  

David K, Nairobi , Kenya

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